비즈니스 Atomy: A Hub of Distribution
Atomy: A Hub of Distribution
회원은 수많은 소비자와 연결되는 허브
소비자와 커뮤니케이션 주도하는 역할 수행해야

Atomy takes the lead when it comes to communication with its customers. This achievement can be attributed to the company adhering to principles, maintaining its Absolute Quality Absolute Price standard, and pursuing a win-win strategy with its business partners. These features are what set Atomy apart from other competing companies, making it possible to continue its unparalleled growth in Korea’s network marketing industry. Now, Atomy is leading the way in a new kind of “being different,” epitomizing the concept of a hub business through network marketing. Atomy works as a hub, or a central axis, for its business partners and members; and in turn, each member of Atomy also serves as a hub by connecting the company with numerous consumers far and wide.
애터미는 남다르다. 원리원칙을 지키는 것, 절대품질 절대가격을 고수하는 것, 합력업체와 가족 같은 동반성장을 추구하는 것 등이 그렇다. 그리고 그 남다름이 바로 국내 네트워크마케팅 업계에서 독보적인 성장을 지속하는 애터미만의 경쟁력이다. 그 애터미가 이제 또 하나의 ‘남다름’을 잉태하고 있다. 회원 비즈니스의 허브화, 곧 허브 비즈니스다. 애터미는 회원들의 자기주도적인 비즈니스를 활성화시키기 위해 ‘Easy & Easy’ 서비스를 강화하고 각종 콘텐츠를 확장해 나가는 것은 물론 글로벌 시장 개척에 더욱 힘을 쏟고 있다.
Being Different, ATOMY's Competitiveness
Atomy has always been devoted to expanding its diverse sales content online and offline, opening up a new era of network marketing in the world distribution industry and boosting the self-directed businesses of its members. Most recently, Atomy started its “Easy & Easy” service, which is an upgraded online system designed and implemented to expedite the member registration process and also simplify the online shopping experience. Moreover, a 24-hour online customer chat service will also be launched to enhance communication with members.
With the advancement of technology, marketing tools have evolved from paper catalogs to computers, and again to smartphones. However, the fundamentals of network marketing have not changed much since its inception. A company provides products to its members, and the members introduce those products to other consumers, resulting in recruitment of new members. The company designs a compensation plan and the members conduct business and make profits based on the plan. The company support the business of its members, but the members’ success rests essentially on the members themselves. The members develop their own success programs through which they recruit new partners to generate more profit. If the new consumers are not interested in joining the business as business partners, they remain as “simple consumers” who just purchase the products and not sell them for profit.
In most network marketing companies, the company, its business partners, and its members are all closely connected, but what they aim for is not always the same. In other words, they work together, but for different purposes. This is not true of Atomy. Atomy is different. The goal of Atomy is the very success of its members, and it accomplishes this by providing Absolute Quality Absolute Price products and hosting various seminars to boost success. These “Success System” seminars are held on a weekly and monthly basis and include the Success Academies, One-day seminars, and regional joint seminars. Last year alone, Atomy hosted a total of 281 of these Success System seminars. Through Atomy’s Success System, approximately 10,000 members were promoted to higher ranks, and tens of thousands of newcomers were registered as new members in 2017.
With the advancement of technology, marketing tools have evolved from paper catalogs to computers, and again to smartphones. However, the fundamentals of network marketing have not changed much since its inception. A company provides products to its members, and the members introduce those products to other consumers, resulting in recruitment of new members. The company designs a compensation plan and the members conduct business and make profits based on the plan. The company support the business of its members, but the members’ success rests essentially on the members themselves. The members develop their own success programs through which they recruit new partners to generate more profit. If the new consumers are not interested in joining the business as business partners, they remain as “simple consumers” who just purchase the products and not sell them for profit.
In most network marketing companies, the company, its business partners, and its members are all closely connected, but what they aim for is not always the same. In other words, they work together, but for different purposes. This is not true of Atomy. Atomy is different. The goal of Atomy is the very success of its members, and it accomplishes this by providing Absolute Quality Absolute Price products and hosting various seminars to boost success. These “Success System” seminars are held on a weekly and monthly basis and include the Success Academies, One-day seminars, and regional joint seminars. Last year alone, Atomy hosted a total of 281 of these Success System seminars. Through Atomy’s Success System, approximately 10,000 members were promoted to higher ranks, and tens of thousands of newcomers were registered as new members in 2017.
애터미의 경쟁력, 다름
네트워크마케팅의 형태는 시작 당시에서부터 지금까지 거의 변하지 않았다. 기술의 발전에 따라 사용되는 도구는 종이 카탈로그에서 컴퓨터 모니터로, 다시 스마트폰으로 진화해도 형태는 그대로다. 기업은 사업자에게 제품을 제공하고 사업자는 소비자에게 제품을 소개하고 새로운 사업자를 리크루팅한다. 기업은 자신의 이익을 위해 사업자에게 보상플랜을 제시하고 제품을 공급한다. 단지 그것뿐이다. 사업자의 성공은 오로지 사업자의 몫으로 남겨둔다. 사업자는 자신의 이익을 위해 스스로 성공시스템을 만들어 소비자를 파트너로 합류시킨다. 성공시스템에 합류할 생각이 없는 소비자는 그저 방관자로 남는다. 기업과 사업자, 소비자는 연결되어 있기는 하지만 지향점은 각기 다르다. 한마디로 동상이몽인 것이다. 애터미는 달랐다. 회원의 성공이 곧 애터미의 목적이었다. 회원의 성공을 위해 절대품질 절대가격의 제품을 제공하고 석세스아카데미 등의 성공시스템을 매주 그리고 매달 주최해왔다. 지난 2017년, 한 해 동안 애터미는 석세스아카데미를
비롯해 원데이세미나, 지역연합세미나 등 모두 합해 281회의성공시스템을 진행, 1만여 명의 신규 승급자를 탄생시켰다.창사 이래 줄곧 성장과 발전을 거듭해 온 애터미의 저력은 바로 이와 같은 ‘다름’에서 비롯된 것이다. 기존의 네트워크마케팅은 기업과 사업자가 따로 꿈꾸는 동상이몽(同床異夢)이었지만 애터미는 시작부터 함께 꿈꾸는 동심동덕(同心同德)으로 생각을 바꾼 것이다.
비롯해 원데이세미나, 지역연합세미나 등 모두 합해 281회의성공시스템을 진행, 1만여 명의 신규 승급자를 탄생시켰다.창사 이래 줄곧 성장과 발전을 거듭해 온 애터미의 저력은 바로 이와 같은 ‘다름’에서 비롯된 것이다. 기존의 네트워크마케팅은 기업과 사업자가 따로 꿈꾸는 동상이몽(同床異夢)이었지만 애터미는 시작부터 함께 꿈꾸는 동심동덕(同心同德)으로 생각을 바꾼 것이다.
Atomy Members, HUBs themselves
Atomy’s continual growth and development since its foundation can be attributed to this “being different” from others. Not all network marketing companies have been doing the same for their members. Although the company and its members work together, they may have differing objectives. However, Atomy has stood out from the beginning because it has always worked together with its members sharing a common goal, which is ultimately the success of its members. This difference is what makes Atomy competitive, and this differentiation extends further into Atomy’s new business concept called a “hub business.” Atomy does not stop at simply providing a platform for the success of its members, it strives to become a hub at the center of its hub members, each of whom, in turn, work as a hub for other members and consumers out there.
The modern society we live in can be called a ‘hyper-connected’ community in which we are all connected in numerous ways, some ways even unknown. Most consumers in the past would choose which products or brands to purchase from subjective personal experiences, but the hyperconnected consumers in today’s world tend to make decisions based on the popular brands preferred by the people and community around them. This is the reason why Atomy hub members must be actively connected with members of his/her community to begin with. Knowledge and preference of the Atomy brand and products among people can be built up this way, resulting in a hyper-connected distribution hub. Consumers who want information about Atomy and its products will have the opportunity to become connected to this hyper-connected distribution hub by way of existing hub members who have more knowledge about and experience with Atomy.
Within this hyper-connected distribution hub, Atomy hub members can do more than simply give information about products or help explain Atomy. They have the power to create strong brand appeal that goes beyond just a good image of Atomy. For this, Atomy members should do more than just bring consumers to the Atomy platform. They need to create their own platforms in which new consumers can develop interest and preference towards Atomy and its products. In other words, Atomy members are not only end-users of the Atomy platform, but also platform-providers for potential consumers and members. New consumers are added, and new members are recruited into the Atomy distribution hub business in this way. Atomy provides a platform for its members, and in turn, each member creates a platform for his or her own consumers, thus creating a huge hyper-connected distribution hub. The distribution hub that Atomy is working towards is one that crosses borders, a global network within which all consumers around the world are closely connected like a family.
Situated in the center of the distribution hub, Atomy headquarters takes on a vital role for the global network and its members. Headquarters tries its best to provide Absolute Quality Absolute Price products for the hub members and consumers. They must lead the members in becoming platform-providers as well as platform-users. Above all, they focus their energy into developing an easy, convenient, and efficient distribution system through which all members can carry out their businesses successfully.
As platform-providers, Atomy members also develop their own effective distribution systems using their personal experiences and know-how, hence working as distribution hubs themselves. All Atomy members are hubs, not simply end-users of the Atomy platform nor end-terminals of the Atomy hub. This is the so-called hyper-connected distribution hub known as Atomy where the members themselves are also hubs.
The modern society we live in can be called a ‘hyper-connected’ community in which we are all connected in numerous ways, some ways even unknown. Most consumers in the past would choose which products or brands to purchase from subjective personal experiences, but the hyperconnected consumers in today’s world tend to make decisions based on the popular brands preferred by the people and community around them. This is the reason why Atomy hub members must be actively connected with members of his/her community to begin with. Knowledge and preference of the Atomy brand and products among people can be built up this way, resulting in a hyper-connected distribution hub. Consumers who want information about Atomy and its products will have the opportunity to become connected to this hyper-connected distribution hub by way of existing hub members who have more knowledge about and experience with Atomy.
Within this hyper-connected distribution hub, Atomy hub members can do more than simply give information about products or help explain Atomy. They have the power to create strong brand appeal that goes beyond just a good image of Atomy. For this, Atomy members should do more than just bring consumers to the Atomy platform. They need to create their own platforms in which new consumers can develop interest and preference towards Atomy and its products. In other words, Atomy members are not only end-users of the Atomy platform, but also platform-providers for potential consumers and members. New consumers are added, and new members are recruited into the Atomy distribution hub business in this way. Atomy provides a platform for its members, and in turn, each member creates a platform for his or her own consumers, thus creating a huge hyper-connected distribution hub. The distribution hub that Atomy is working towards is one that crosses borders, a global network within which all consumers around the world are closely connected like a family.
Situated in the center of the distribution hub, Atomy headquarters takes on a vital role for the global network and its members. Headquarters tries its best to provide Absolute Quality Absolute Price products for the hub members and consumers. They must lead the members in becoming platform-providers as well as platform-users. Above all, they focus their energy into developing an easy, convenient, and efficient distribution system through which all members can carry out their businesses successfully.
As platform-providers, Atomy members also develop their own effective distribution systems using their personal experiences and know-how, hence working as distribution hubs themselves. All Atomy members are hubs, not simply end-users of the Atomy platform nor end-terminals of the Atomy hub. This is the so-called hyper-connected distribution hub known as Atomy where the members themselves are also hubs.
회원도 허브가 돼야 한다
애터미는 또 한 번 생각을 바꾼다. 바로 허브 비즈니스다. 성공하기 위해 애터미가 제공하는 플랫폼을 이용하는 데에서한 발 더 나아가 회원 스스로 소비자와의 커뮤니케이션 허브가 되는 것이다.
현대는 연결을 넘어선 연결, 초연결의 시대다. 과거 소비자가 브랜드를 대하는 태도는 개인적인 경험에 좌우됐다면 초연결의 시대에서는 브랜드에 대한 호감이 일차적으로 소비자를 둘러싼 커뮤니티에 영향을 받는다. 이제 회원은 소비자와 적극적으로 연결하여 묻고 옹호하는 관계를 쌓아가면서 애터미를 이해시켜 나가야 하는 것이다.
애터미에 대해 더 많은 정보를 필요로 하는 소비자는 더 나은 지식과 더 많은 경험을 가지고 있는 회원과 연결될 것이다. 이러한 연결을 통해 소비자의 애터미에 대한 초기 매력이 강화될 수 있는 것이다. 회원은 소비자를 애터미라는 플랫폼에 데려다 놓는 것에서 더 나아가 소비자가 애터미에 호감을 느끼고 질문을 하는 상황으로 만들어가야 한다. 그래야만 소비자의 구매와 새로운 회원으로의 가입이 막힘없이 이어지게 된다. 따라서 회원은 소비자들과의 커뮤니케이션을 주도하는 허브로서의 역할을 수행해야 한다.
회원은 애터미의 플랫폼에 자신만의 커뮤니케이션 플랫폼을 더해 보유해야 한다. 스스로 소비자들이 애터미를 알고 이용할 수 있도록 안내하는 플랫폼이 되는 것이다. 애터미와 회원이 한 울타리 안의 공동운명체인 것처럼 회원과 소비자도 공동운명체가 돼야 한다. 그럼으로써 회원과 소비자의 릴레이션십은 보다 완벽한 경지가 된다.
지금까지 애터미 회원이 애터미의 플랫폼을 이용하는데 그쳤다면 이제는 소비자에게 애터미의 플랫폼을 알려주는 가이드가 되어야 한다. 소비자가 애터미를 쉽고, 빠르고, 편리하고,만족스럽게 이용할 수 있도록 만들어 나가야 하는 것이다. 이는 애터미의 플랫폼에 회원 자신의 경험과 노하우를 보태 자신만의 플랫폼으로 확장해 나가는 것이 된다. 허브 비즈니스에서 애터미 회원은 더 이상 애터미라는 허브에 연결된 터미널이 아니라 수많은 소비자를 연결하는 허브인 것이다.
현대는 연결을 넘어선 연결, 초연결의 시대다. 과거 소비자가 브랜드를 대하는 태도는 개인적인 경험에 좌우됐다면 초연결의 시대에서는 브랜드에 대한 호감이 일차적으로 소비자를 둘러싼 커뮤니티에 영향을 받는다. 이제 회원은 소비자와 적극적으로 연결하여 묻고 옹호하는 관계를 쌓아가면서 애터미를 이해시켜 나가야 하는 것이다.
애터미에 대해 더 많은 정보를 필요로 하는 소비자는 더 나은 지식과 더 많은 경험을 가지고 있는 회원과 연결될 것이다. 이러한 연결을 통해 소비자의 애터미에 대한 초기 매력이 강화될 수 있는 것이다. 회원은 소비자를 애터미라는 플랫폼에 데려다 놓는 것에서 더 나아가 소비자가 애터미에 호감을 느끼고 질문을 하는 상황으로 만들어가야 한다. 그래야만 소비자의 구매와 새로운 회원으로의 가입이 막힘없이 이어지게 된다. 따라서 회원은 소비자들과의 커뮤니케이션을 주도하는 허브로서의 역할을 수행해야 한다.
회원은 애터미의 플랫폼에 자신만의 커뮤니케이션 플랫폼을 더해 보유해야 한다. 스스로 소비자들이 애터미를 알고 이용할 수 있도록 안내하는 플랫폼이 되는 것이다. 애터미와 회원이 한 울타리 안의 공동운명체인 것처럼 회원과 소비자도 공동운명체가 돼야 한다. 그럼으로써 회원과 소비자의 릴레이션십은 보다 완벽한 경지가 된다.
지금까지 애터미 회원이 애터미의 플랫폼을 이용하는데 그쳤다면 이제는 소비자에게 애터미의 플랫폼을 알려주는 가이드가 되어야 한다. 소비자가 애터미를 쉽고, 빠르고, 편리하고,만족스럽게 이용할 수 있도록 만들어 나가야 하는 것이다. 이는 애터미의 플랫폼에 회원 자신의 경험과 노하우를 보태 자신만의 플랫폼으로 확장해 나가는 것이 된다. 허브 비즈니스에서 애터미 회원은 더 이상 애터미라는 허브에 연결된 터미널이 아니라 수많은 소비자를 연결하는 허브인 것이다.