Global The Pandemic-Free Zone: Atomy Global Offices
The Pandemic-Free Zone: Atomy Global Offices
글로벌 팬데믹 무풍지대 애터미 해외법인
Overseas sales increased by 33% compared to last year as of August to make 351.8 billion KRW
8월까지 해외 매출 전년비 33% 증가한 3518억 원

Atomy's regional offices are growing strongly, thanks to health-conscious trend and social distancing due to the pandemic. According to the Global Business HQ, the total sales of the overseas offices from January to August this year were about 351.8 billion KRW. a 33% increase from 264.3 billion KRW in the same period last year. Even the COVID-19 pandemic could not stop Global Atomy's growth. Its direct sales vision, in fact, has expanded with the "On-Tact" (on-contact) business model. We looked into how Atomy's regional offices turn the COVID-19 situation into an opportunity (from oldest to newest offices, excluding Atomy China).
애터미의 해외법인이 글로벌 팬데믹으로 인한 언택트와 건강을 중시하는 소비 트렌드를 타고 성장세를 구가하고 있다. 해외사업부에 따르면 올 1월부터 8월까지 해외법인 총매출액은 약 3518억 원으로 지난해 같은 기간의 2643억 원에 비해 33% 증가했다. 코로나19로 인한 전세계적인 팬데믹 상황에서도 이 같이 해외법인의 성장이 멈추지 않는 것은 애터미의 직접판매가 온택트(On-Tact)를 타고 더 큰 비전을 갖게 됐다는 것에 대한 증명이라고 할 수 있다. 이에 해외법인이 어떻게 코로나19의 상황을 기회로 반전시키고 있는지 알아봤다(오픈 순,중국 법인은 제외).
애터미의 해외법인이 글로벌 팬데믹으로 인한 언택트와 건강을 중시하는 소비 트렌드를 타고 성장세를 구가하고 있다. 해외사업부에 따르면 올 1월부터 8월까지 해외법인 총매출액은 약 3518억 원으로 지난해 같은 기간의 2643억 원에 비해 33% 증가했다. 코로나19로 인한 전세계적인 팬데믹 상황에서도 이 같이 해외법인의 성장이 멈추지 않는 것은 애터미의 직접판매가 온택트(On-Tact)를 타고 더 큰 비전을 갖게 됐다는 것에 대한 증명이라고 할 수 있다. 이에 해외법인이 어떻게 코로나19의 상황을 기회로 반전시키고 있는지 알아봤다(오픈 순,중국 법인은 제외).
USA: Smiles at Online Business Trend
Atomy USA, which celebrated its 10th anniversary this year, has temporarily closed all centers and canceled all center meetings, face-to-face gatherings, and seminars since March. Despite this challenge, the office's sales in the first half of this year rose by 26% year-on-year to 38.9 billion KRW. The biggest reason for the growth is the web conferencing boom. The USA branch has been investing in the online conferencing service since three years ago because it is challenging to travel across the large country to hold a meeting or seminar regularly.
That investment paid off as social distancing has become the norm due to COVID-19. Many USA members found themselves much busier after the pandemic. While they only had one or two meetings a day in the past, now that web conferences have become the default, they are now holding multiple meetings and adopting the "On-Tact" business models each day.
"We are focusing on supporting online conferences and providing quality digital content at the same time," says Branch Director Hyung-woo Yu. "Online meetings that allow anyone to attend without having to travel are more suitable for American consumers."
That investment paid off as social distancing has become the norm due to COVID-19. Many USA members found themselves much busier after the pandemic. While they only had one or two meetings a day in the past, now that web conferences have become the default, they are now holding multiple meetings and adopting the "On-Tact" business models each day.
"We are focusing on supporting online conferences and providing quality digital content at the same time," says Branch Director Hyung-woo Yu. "Online meetings that allow anyone to attend without having to travel are more suitable for American consumers."
미국 : On-Tact 활성화에 함박웃음
올해 진출 10주년을 맞이한 미국법인은 모든 센터 임시 폐쇄, 센터 미팅 및 오프라인 미팅, 그리고 세미나까지 지난 3월부터 현재까지 취소한 상태다. 그럼에도 불구하고 미국법인의 올 상반기 매출은 전년비 26.0% 증가한 389억여 원을 기록했다. 이렇듯 미국법인이 성장하는 가장 큰 원인은 온라인 미팅의 활성화를 꼽을 수 있다. 국토가 넓어 도시에서 도시로 이동하는 것마저도 수월찮은 미국법인은 이미 3년 전부터 온라인 미팅에 관심을 기울이기 시작했다. 그것이 코로나19로 인해 확 다가온 언택트 트렌드를 타고 효과를 발휘한 셈이다. 실제로 미국 회원 가운데는 코로나19 이전보다 훨씬 바빠졌다는 회원들이 많다. 하루 한 두 번의 미팅이 고작이었지만 온라인 미팅이 자연스러워진 지금은 하루를 시간 단위로 쪼개서 미팅이나 온택트(On-Tact) 비즈니스를 진행하고 있기 때문이다. 유형우 법인장은 “온라인 미팅을 서포트하는 동시에 좋은 온라인 콘텐츠를 제공해주는 일에 역점을 두고 있다”며 “부담 없이 참석할 수 있는 온라인 미팅이 오히려 미국 소비자들에게 잘 맞아떨어진 것”이라고 말했다.
Japan: Sales Reaching All-Time-High Levels
Atomy Japan resumed offline Success Academies in June when emergency lockdown measures were lifted and is conducting online seminars simultaneously using conferencing apps.
It is promising that more members are finding new opportunities at Atomy in a time when it is challenging to keep their full-time jobs due to COVID-19. In this trend, the office is strengthening its support for its Japanese- Brazilian members.
Atomy's growing presence as an exporter through the Global Sourcing Global Sales (GSGS) strategy and the Absolute Quality Absolute Price principle is also an essential pillar for the growth of Atomy Japan. According to the representative, its exports are expected to exceed 200 million JPY this year.
Along with the strategy shown above and the strong health functional foods trend caused by COVID-19, Atomy Japan saw its monthly sales exceed 300 million JPY for the first time in June; sales exceeded 350 million JPY in July, approaching the 400 million JPY mark.
"We are dealing with the pandemic crisis with the mindset that crises and opportunities coexist," Branch Director Han-bit Park said. "In particular, the activities of Japanese-Brazilian members after the COVID-19 outbreak have been outstanding, and new membership registration and sales have been growing at the highest level since the establishment," Park added.
It is promising that more members are finding new opportunities at Atomy in a time when it is challenging to keep their full-time jobs due to COVID-19. In this trend, the office is strengthening its support for its Japanese- Brazilian members.
Atomy's growing presence as an exporter through the Global Sourcing Global Sales (GSGS) strategy and the Absolute Quality Absolute Price principle is also an essential pillar for the growth of Atomy Japan. According to the representative, its exports are expected to exceed 200 million JPY this year.
Along with the strategy shown above and the strong health functional foods trend caused by COVID-19, Atomy Japan saw its monthly sales exceed 300 million JPY for the first time in June; sales exceeded 350 million JPY in July, approaching the 400 million JPY mark.
"We are dealing with the pandemic crisis with the mindset that crises and opportunities coexist," Branch Director Han-bit Park said. "In particular, the activities of Japanese-Brazilian members after the COVID-19 outbreak have been outstanding, and new membership registration and sales have been growing at the highest level since the establishment," Park added.
일본 : 역대 최고 매출 거듭 경신 중
일본법인은 일본 내 긴급사태가 종료된 6월부터 오프라인 석세스아카데미를 재개, 앱을 이용한 온라인 세미나와 동시 진행하고 있다. 특히 코로나19로 인해 생업을 유지하기 힘든 환경에서 애터미를 통해 새로운 기회를 만들어 가는 회원들이 늘고 있다는 점은 청신호다. 특히 일본계 브라질 회원들에 대한 지원을 강화하고 있다. 또한 절대품질 절대가격과 함께 GSGS 전략을 통한 수출기업으로의 발돋움도 일본법인의 성장에 중요한 축이 되고 있다. 일본법인에 따르면 올해 일본법인의 수출액은 2억 엔을 넘어설 것으로 기대된다. 이러한 일본법인의 전략과 더불어 코로나19로 인한 건강기능식품의 호조로 인해 일본법인은 지난 6월, 설립 이래 처음으로 월 매출 3억 엔을 넘었으며 7월에는 3억5천만 엔을 돌파, 4억 엔을 바라보고 있다. 박한빛 법인장은 “위기는 위험과 기회가 공존한다는 마음으로 현재 코로나 상황을 대처하고 있다”며 “특히 코로나19 이후 일본계 브라질 회원들의 활동이 두드러지며 신규 회원 등록 및 매출이 법인 설립 이래 최고로 성장하고 있다”고 말했다.
Canada: Smooth Sailing with Successful Online Seminars
In Canada, outdoor activities significantly decreased due to COVID-19, with average mobile usage time increasing by 39% compared to that in 2019. In response to the change, Atomy Canada succeeded in transitioning to online seminars using YouTube and Zoom. Sales from the Canadian office in the first half of this year increased by 35% compared to the same period of the previous year, and the Canadian members are staying encouraged and focused despite the COVID-19-related challenges.
Branch Director Jang-hun Oh says, "We are fighting against COVID-19 through communication and harmony with our leaders. As the demand for health functional foods increases, so do sales."
Branch Director Jang-hun Oh says, "We are fighting against COVID-19 through communication and harmony with our leaders. As the demand for health functional foods increases, so do sales."
캐나다 : 온라인 세미나 성공하며 순항 중
캐나다 역시 모바일 이용 시간이 2019년 평균에 비해 39% 늘어나는 등 코로나19로 인한 외출 활동이 눈에 뜨이게 줄어들었다. 그러나 캐나다 법인은 유튜브나 줌 등을 활용하는 온라인 세미나로 전환하는 데 성공을 했다. 실제로 올 상반기 캐나다 법인의 매출은 전년 동기 대비 35% 상승했으며 캐나다 회원들 역시 코로나19에도 불구하고 밝고 안정된 분위기를 유지하고 있다. 오장훈 법인장은 “리더들과의 소통과 화합으로 코로나19에 대항하고 있다”며 “건강기능식품에 대한 수요가 커지면서 매출도 함께 오르고 있다”고 말했다.

Taiwan: On Track to Surpass 200 Billion KRW This Year
Even in Taiwan, where the impact of COVID-19 has been relatively mild, social distancing is practiced just like in other countries.
Atomy Taiwan holds online seminars once every two weeks and resumed offline seminars in July. The participants' names, contact information, and temperature are recorded, and they must wear a mask to enter the event venue.
Despite these challenges, sales continue to show stable growth. According to the Atomy Taiwan official, the sales in the first half of this year increased by 6.74%, compared to last year, to around 85.2 billion KRW. Sales of vitamin C and hand soap have increased by more than 40%, and masks by 150%.
"We launched masks made by Atomy Taiwan in mid-August," said Branch Director Song-mo Gu. "As the online seminars that started from the beginning of COVID-19 find their place, we will grow beyond expectations in the second half."
Atomy Taiwan holds online seminars once every two weeks and resumed offline seminars in July. The participants' names, contact information, and temperature are recorded, and they must wear a mask to enter the event venue.
Despite these challenges, sales continue to show stable growth. According to the Atomy Taiwan official, the sales in the first half of this year increased by 6.74%, compared to last year, to around 85.2 billion KRW. Sales of vitamin C and hand soap have increased by more than 40%, and masks by 150%.
"We launched masks made by Atomy Taiwan in mid-August," said Branch Director Song-mo Gu. "As the online seminars that started from the beginning of COVID-19 find their place, we will grow beyond expectations in the second half."
대만 : 올해 2000억 원 돌파할 것
코로나19 방역 상황이 양호한 대만도 사회적 거리두기는 크게 다르지 않았다. 대만 법인은 2주에 한 번씩 온라인 세미나를 시행하고 있으며 7월부터 오프라인 세미나를 시작했다. 세미나 장소마다 온도 측정기 배치는 물론이며 참석자의 이름과 연락처를 기재하고 있으며 반드시 마스크를 착용해야 입장할 수 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 매출은 성장세를 유지하고 있다. 대만 법인에 따르면 올해 상반기 매출액은 전년 동기 대비 6.74% 늘어난 852억여 원이다. 특히 비타민 C와 핸드솝의 매출이 40% 이상 성장했으며 마스크는 150% 늘어났다. 구송모 법인장은 “8월 중순 경 애터미 대만에서 만든 마스크를 출시했다”며 “코로나19 초기부터 시작한 온라인 세미나가 자리잡아감에 따라 하반기에는 기대치 이상의 성장을 할 것”이라고 말했다.
Singapore: Online Shopping Trend Boosts Growth
Singaporean members are active in using apps such as Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, and Zoom to adapt to social distancing. For example, at the centers, the leading members are sharing content such as product demonstrations and compensation plans to guide new members through web platforms.
As a result, sales in the first half of this year reached 17.9 billion KRW, up 38.7% compared to the first half of 2019. COVID-19 has reminded Singaporeans of the importance of health supplements. Sales of vitamin C have drastically increased as well as sales of masks and hand soap.
"In Singapore, there is a growing tendency to buy daily necessities at home and avoid visiting unsafe public places," says Branch Director Hyun-ju Lee. "Continuing promotional campaigns to increase brand awareness, we will grow stronger through the COVID-19 crisis."
As a result, sales in the first half of this year reached 17.9 billion KRW, up 38.7% compared to the first half of 2019. COVID-19 has reminded Singaporeans of the importance of health supplements. Sales of vitamin C have drastically increased as well as sales of masks and hand soap.
"In Singapore, there is a growing tendency to buy daily necessities at home and avoid visiting unsafe public places," says Branch Director Hyun-ju Lee. "Continuing promotional campaigns to increase brand awareness, we will grow stronger through the COVID-19 crisis."
싱가포르 : 온라인 구매 성향 높아지며 성장세
싱가포르 회원들은 사회적 거리두기에 적응하기 위해 페이스북이나 왓츠앱, 유튜브, 줌 등 앱 사용에 적극적이다. 특히 센터에서, 그리고 리더 회원들은 이러한 플랫폼을 통해 새로운 회원들을 안내하기 위해 제품 시연과 보상 계획과 같은 콘텐츠를 공유하고 있다. 그 결과 올해 상반기 매출은 2019년 상반기에 비해 38.7% 증가한 179억 원을 달했다. 특히 코로나19는 싱가포르 국민들에게 건강식품의 중요성을 일깨우는 계기가 됐다. 실제로 비타민 C의 매출이 많이 늘었으며 마스크나 핸드솝 등의 매출도 증가하고 있다. 이현주 법인장은 “싱가포르에서는 가정 내 생필품 구매의 편의성과 안전하지 않은 공공장소와의 접촉을 피하기 위해 온라인 구매 경향이 높아지고 있다”며 “지속적인 홍보 캠페인을 통해 브랜드 인지도를 높여 코로나19라는 위기에 오히려 성장하는 애터미 싱가포르가 될 것”이라고 말했다.

Cambodia: The Non-Contact Economy is an Opportunity for Atomy
Cambodia is not hit as hard by COVID-19 as many other countries. However, due to its vulnerable healthcare system, both the government and the public are paying particular attention to adhering to public health guidelines.
Atomy Cambodia temporarily discontinued gatherings at the direct management center since the beginning of the outbreak and further restricted office access. Although some members were initially confused, the transition took place gradually as all seminars were brought online and digital materials were produced and shared with the members through various social media platforms. The office also plans to run educational programs for personal broadcasting and video production in order to assist members' businesses.
Atomy Cambodia believes that the rapid shift to online activities has been a new motivation for the members. It continuously reminds them that a fast transition to the new era is the key to success.
The office is seeing higher demand for delivery orders than pick-up orders, and sales are on the rise after stabilizing. With the increase in sales of vitamin C and hygiene products, in addition to the steady seller HemoHIM, sales rose by 72.8% compared to last year to 4.2 billion KRW in the first half of this year. "When sales were falling early on due to COVID-19, we actively strengthened our online content," says Branch Director Hyeon-su Im. "The social distancing trend is not a crisis, but rather an opportunity for Atomy."
Atomy Cambodia temporarily discontinued gatherings at the direct management center since the beginning of the outbreak and further restricted office access. Although some members were initially confused, the transition took place gradually as all seminars were brought online and digital materials were produced and shared with the members through various social media platforms. The office also plans to run educational programs for personal broadcasting and video production in order to assist members' businesses.
Atomy Cambodia believes that the rapid shift to online activities has been a new motivation for the members. It continuously reminds them that a fast transition to the new era is the key to success.
The office is seeing higher demand for delivery orders than pick-up orders, and sales are on the rise after stabilizing. With the increase in sales of vitamin C and hygiene products, in addition to the steady seller HemoHIM, sales rose by 72.8% compared to last year to 4.2 billion KRW in the first half of this year. "When sales were falling early on due to COVID-19, we actively strengthened our online content," says Branch Director Hyeon-su Im. "The social distancing trend is not a crisis, but rather an opportunity for Atomy."
캄보디아 : 언택트 트렌드는 애터미의 기회
캄보디아는 다른 국가에 비해 코로나 영향을 적게 받고 있으나 취약한 의료 시설로 인해, 정부와 국민 모두가 개인 방역에 더 신경을 쓰고 있다. 이에 캄보디아 법인은 발생 초기부터 직영센터 미팅을 잠정 중단하고, 출입 방역을 강화했다. 일부 회원들이 당황하기는 했지만 모든 세미나를 온라인으로 전환하고 온라인 콘텐츠를 집중 제작해 각종 SNS를 통해 회원들과 공유하면서 분위기는 점차 안정화되었다. 또한 회원 활동에 직접적인 도움을 주고자 개인 방송 및 영상 제작을 위한 교육 프로그램을 운영할 계획이다. 특히 온라인으로의 빠른 전환이 새로운 시대의 성공 비결이라는 메시지를 지속 전달함으로써 회원들에게 새로운 동기부여가 된 것으로 판단하고 있다. 현재 캄보디아 법인은 픽업센터 주문량보다 택배 주문량이 증가하며 매출은 안정세를 지나 증가세를 보이고 있다. 스테디셀러인 헤모힘을 비롯해 비타민C와 개인위생 제품의 판매가 꾸준히 늘어나 상반기 매출은 전년 대비 무려 72.8% 증가한 42억여 원을 기록했다. 임현수 법인장은 “코로나19 초기 매출이 하락하고 있을 때 더욱 적극적으로 온라인 콘텐츠를 강화했다”며 “코로나로 부쩍 가까이 온 언택트 트렌드는 애터미에게 위기가 아니라 기회”라고 강조했다.
The Philippines: Growth After May, Better in the H2
Atomy Philippines is following public health guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19, such as social distancing in the office, wearing masks, and disinfecting hands. It also provides company vehicles for the commuters for their safety.
Since the Philippines has the highest number of confirmed cases in Southeast Asia, the members' performances also dipped. But recently, their businesses gradually reactivated, and sales have been on a rebound since May.
Branch Director Byeong-ho Kim says, "The initial shock has subsided considerably now. The second half of the year will be much better as the sales of HemoHim grow, and members adapt to the On-Tact model."
Since the Philippines has the highest number of confirmed cases in Southeast Asia, the members' performances also dipped. But recently, their businesses gradually reactivated, and sales have been on a rebound since May.
Branch Director Byeong-ho Kim says, "The initial shock has subsided considerably now. The second half of the year will be much better as the sales of HemoHim grow, and members adapt to the On-Tact model."
필리핀 : 5월 이후 성장세, 하반기 더 나아진다
필리핀 법인은 코로나19에 대비, 사무실 안에서 거리두기, 마스크 착용, 손 소독 등 기본적인 수칙을 지키고 있다. 또한 직원들의 안전을 위해 회사 차량으로 직원들을 출퇴근시키고 있다. 동남아에서 확진자가 가장 많이 나오고 있는 상황인지라 회원들의 비즈니스도 많이 주춤하는 모습을 보였으나 최근 들어 점차 살아나고 있는 분위기다. 이에 따라 매출도 5월 이후 반등세를 타고 있다. 김병호 법인장은 “초기 냉각된 분위기가 지금은 상당히 누그러졌다”며 “헤모힘의 판매 호조와 온택트(On-Tact)에 대한 회원들의 적응이 자리잡아감에 따라 하반기에는 훨씬 나아질 것”이라고 기대했다.

Thailand: The Contactless Market will Drive Atomy's Growth
In the early days of COVID-19, Thai members had to adapt to "Un-Tact" (contactless) business practices as well as pandemic. Atomy Thai land focused on hosting as many online seminars as possible, creat ing diverse and new content, and supporting the online business. As a result, most members went beyond getting used to distanced business and turned it into a new opportunity.
In the first half of this year, it grew by 19.4% compared to last year. In the second half, it is expecting bigger growth because of the rising demand for HemoHIM and continued popularity of the evening care line, foaming cleanser, sunscreen, and toothpaste.
"The COVID-19 situation in itself has not had a significant impact," says Branch Director Bu-young Lee. "But as the members get used to doing "Un-Tact" business, we can expect even greater results in the second half of the year as new markets are created."
In the first half of this year, it grew by 19.4% compared to last year. In the second half, it is expecting bigger growth because of the rising demand for HemoHIM and continued popularity of the evening care line, foaming cleanser, sunscreen, and toothpaste.
"The COVID-19 situation in itself has not had a significant impact," says Branch Director Bu-young Lee. "But as the members get used to doing "Un-Tact" business, we can expect even greater results in the second half of the year as new markets are created."
태국 : 언택트 시장이 애터미 성장 견인할 것
코로나19 초기, 태국 회원들은 팬데믹에 적응하는 것은 물론 언택트 비즈니스에도 적응해야 했다. 이에 태국법인은 온라인 세미나를 최대한 많이 개최하는 것은 물론 다양하고 새로운 콘텐츠 제작 및 온라인 비즈니스를 위한 지원에 역점을 두었다. 그 결과 대부분의 회원들이 언택트 비즈니스에 익숙해지는 것을 넘어 새로운 기회로 만들어 갔다. 올 상반기, 전년 대비 19.4% 성장했지만 하반기에는 더 큰 성장을 예감하고 있다. 특히 이브닝케어, 폼 클렌저, 선크림, 치약 등의 인기가 여전한 가운데 헤모힘에 대한 수요가 높아지고 있어 기대를 모으고 있다. 이부영 법인장은 “코로나19 상황 그 자체로는 큰 영향을 미치지 않았다”며 “그러나 회원들이 언택트 비즈니스에 익숙해짐에 따라 새로운 시장이 창출됨으로써 하반기에는 더욱 큰 결과를 기대할 수 있게 됐다”고 말했다.

Mexico: Increased Interest in Immune Support, Growth Doubled
I n Mexico, the impact of COVID-19 has been severe. However, members of Atomy Mexico are actively engaged in contactless business through web seminars and conferences while refraining from leaving their homes and in-person meetings.
Sales figures for the Mexican office in the first half of 2020 were more than double those of the first half of 2019.
"Rising interest in immune support products boosts sales of HemoHIM and vitamin C," says Branch Director Jeong-hee Lee. "We will make all-out efforts to support the members' online businesses by providing various contents, online seminars, and tips on how to use apps that members can actually use."
Sales figures for the Mexican office in the first half of 2020 were more than double those of the first half of 2019.
"Rising interest in immune support products boosts sales of HemoHIM and vitamin C," says Branch Director Jeong-hee Lee. "We will make all-out efforts to support the members' online businesses by providing various contents, online seminars, and tips on how to use apps that members can actually use."
멕시코 : 면역 관심 고조, 전년비 두 배 이상 성장
멕시코는 코로나19의 영향이 심각한 상황이다. 그러나 애터미 멕시코 회원들은 코로나19로 인한 외출 및 미팅을 자제하면서 온라인 세미나 및 앱 미팅을 통해 언택트 비즈니스를 활발하게 펼쳐나가고 있다. 실제로 상반기 멕시코 법인의 매출은 2019년 상반기의 두 배가 넘었다. 이정희 법인장은 “코로나19 사태로 면역에 대한 관심이 높아져 헤모힘과 비타민 C의 매출이 많이 늘었다”며 “회원들이 실제로 활용할 수 있는 다양한 콘텐츠, 온라인 세미나 및 앱 활용 팁 등 회원들의 온라인 비즈니스 지원에 총력을 기울일 것”이라고 말했다.

Malaysia: Seizing Growth Opportunities Amid the Pandemic
Atomy Malaysia also canceled all offline events, such as the Success Academy. It also strongly discourages in-person activities at each center until the end of this year.
Instead, the office is devoted to supporting all members so that they can actively engage in online activities. The web seminars are broadcast in three languages, including English, Malay, and Chinese, and the monthly Success Academy has also moved online.
A strong consumer base also began to form as the members focused on smaller group meetings with less than five members.
Sales in the first half of the year reached 38.9 billion KRW, up 68.39% from last year. In July, the largest number of members registered since the establishment, showing remarkable growth in both sales and the membership size.
"The GSGS hand sanitizer, which was released in the first half of the year, has been a big hit. Vitamin C has also seen huge growth due to the popularity of Health Functional Foods," said Branch Director Se-won Kim. "Atomy, which has steadily strengthened online activities and accumulated digital content, has secured a solid foundation for growth with the wave of the global pandemic."
Instead, the office is devoted to supporting all members so that they can actively engage in online activities. The web seminars are broadcast in three languages, including English, Malay, and Chinese, and the monthly Success Academy has also moved online.
A strong consumer base also began to form as the members focused on smaller group meetings with less than five members.
Sales in the first half of the year reached 38.9 billion KRW, up 68.39% from last year. In July, the largest number of members registered since the establishment, showing remarkable growth in both sales and the membership size.
"The GSGS hand sanitizer, which was released in the first half of the year, has been a big hit. Vitamin C has also seen huge growth due to the popularity of Health Functional Foods," said Branch Director Se-won Kim. "Atomy, which has steadily strengthened online activities and accumulated digital content, has secured a solid foundation for growth with the wave of the global pandemic."
말레이시아 : 글로벌 팬데믹으로 성장 기반 확보
말레이시아 법인도 석세스아카데미 등 오프라인 행사를 전면 취소했다. 또한 각 센터의 활동도 올해 말까지 금지하도록 강력하게 권고하고 있다. 대신 회원들이 온라인 활동을 활발하게 할 수 있도록 제반 지원에 전념을 다하고 있다. 특히 온라인 세미나는 영어와 말레이어, 중국어 등 3개 국어로 방송하고 있으며 매달 개최하는 석세스아카데미도 온라인으로 전환하여 시행하고 있다. 또한 회원들이 5인 이하의 소규모 활동에 주력하면서 두터운 소비자층이 형성되기 시작했다. 실제로 상반기 매출은 전년 동기 대비 68.39% 증가한 389억여 원에 달했으며 7월에는 말레이시아 법인 설립 이후 가장 많은 회원이 등록하는 등 매출과 회원수 양면에서 괄목할 만한 성장을 거두고 있다. 김세원 법인장은 “상반기 출시한 GSGS 손 세정제가 히트를 치고 비타민 C를 비롯한 건강기능식품의 인기가 높아지면서 큰 폭의 성장을 거뒀다”며 “꾸준히 온라인 활동을 강화하고 콘텐츠를 쌓아온 애터미는 글로벌 팬데믹의 도움으로 탄탄한 성장 기반을 확보하고 있다”고 말했다.
Australia: The Pandemic Turns Out to be an Opportunity to Grow
The surge in the number of COVID-19 patients in Melbourne, Australia, has forced Atomy Australia to go into lockdown. In Melbourne, only shopping for food and daily necessities and visiting doctors' offices and pharmacies were allowed. Curfews were imposed at night.
The city's lockdown, which has been imposed since August 5, will fine individuals $200 for not wearing a mask, up to $19,826. Fines for the violation of the rules can be up to $20,000 for individuals and $100,000 for businesses through the court system. The lifting of the lockdown will be decided after six weeks.
In response to this, the Australian office is making all of its employees work from home, has suspended the operation of centers, and is providing free delivery for purchases over $50.
Despite this difficult COVID-19 situation, sales nearly doubled in the first half of this year in comparison to 2019. "Australia has a well-equipped infrastructure for online business," said Branch Director Sally Kim. "As the demand for personal hygiene products such as hand sanitizers, on top of health functional foods, is increasing, sales are growing significantly as well."
The city's lockdown, which has been imposed since August 5, will fine individuals $200 for not wearing a mask, up to $19,826. Fines for the violation of the rules can be up to $20,000 for individuals and $100,000 for businesses through the court system. The lifting of the lockdown will be decided after six weeks.
In response to this, the Australian office is making all of its employees work from home, has suspended the operation of centers, and is providing free delivery for purchases over $50.
Despite this difficult COVID-19 situation, sales nearly doubled in the first half of this year in comparison to 2019. "Australia has a well-equipped infrastructure for online business," said Branch Director Sally Kim. "As the demand for personal hygiene products such as hand sanitizers, on top of health functional foods, is increasing, sales are growing significantly as well."
호주 : 오히려 성장 기회가 된 글로벌 팬데믹
호주 멜버른의 코로나19 환자가 급증하는 바람에 호주 법인은 락다운의 상황을 겪어야 했다. 멜버른의 경우 음식 및 생필품쇼핑, 병원, 약국만 허용되었으며 야간 통행금지령이 내려진 상태다. 8월 5일부터 내려진 멜번의 락다운은 마스크 미착용 시 벌금 200달러이며 집에서 5km를 벗어날 경우 개인은 2천만 원, 회사는 2억 원 상당의 벌금이 부과되며 6주 후에 중단 여부를 결정하게 된다. 이에 호주법인은 직원 모두가 재택근무로 전환하고 센터 운영을 중지했으며 50불 이상 구매 시 무료배송을 하고 있다. 엄중한 코로나19 상황에도 불구하고 호주법인은 올 상반기 매출액이 2019년도 대비 거의 두 배 가까이 늘어났다. 샐리 김 법인장은 “호주는 온라인 비즈니스를 펼칠 수 있는 인프라가 잘 갖춰져 있다”며 “건강기능식품을 중심으로 손 소독제 등의 위생용품에 대한 수요가 증가하면서 매출액도 큰 폭으로 성장하고 있다”고 말했다.
Indonesia: Doubling Up in the H2 with HemoHIM
Atomy Indonesia is encouraged that sales are rising with the release of HemoHIM in August.
Since the outbreak, the Indonesian office has carried out work-from-home on a rotation basis from April to July. It has maximized the distance between employees, installed acrylic desk screens and hand sanitizers, and mandated mask-wearing in the office.
The member sentiment is positive. Products such as potato ramen, laver, Café Arabica, as well as GSGS products from Atomy Taiwan, including Taiwanese ethereal oil patches, laver, and masks, have soared in popularity, racking up the average sales for the months from May to March of 1.3 billion KRW.
"The release of HemoHIM in August increased sales again," said Branch Director Sung-jeon Kim. "Although we grew by only 17% in the first half, we will be able to more than double that in the second half."
Since the outbreak, the Indonesian office has carried out work-from-home on a rotation basis from April to July. It has maximized the distance between employees, installed acrylic desk screens and hand sanitizers, and mandated mask-wearing in the office.
The member sentiment is positive. Products such as potato ramen, laver, Café Arabica, as well as GSGS products from Atomy Taiwan, including Taiwanese ethereal oil patches, laver, and masks, have soared in popularity, racking up the average sales for the months from May to March of 1.3 billion KRW.
"The release of HemoHIM in August increased sales again," said Branch Director Sung-jeon Kim. "Although we grew by only 17% in the first half, we will be able to more than double that in the second half."
인도네시아 : 헤모힘 출시 타고 하반기 더블업 간다
인도네시아 법인은 지난 8월 헤모힘이 출시되면서 매출이 수직 상승하고 있어 고무적이다. 코로나19 관련해 4월부터 7월까지 순환 재택근무를 실시하고 있으며 사무실에 마스크 및 손 소독제를 상비하고 아크릴 가림막 설치 등 직원 간 거리를 최대화했다. 회원들의 분위기는 매우 긍정적이다. 특히 감자라면, 전장김, 카페 아라비카 등의 상품과 대만 파스, 대만 김, 마스크 등 대만법인의 GSGS 제품들의 인기가 치솟으며 5월, 6월, 7월 석 달간 평균 13억여 원의 매출액을 기록하고 있다. 김성전 법인장은 “8월 헤모힘이 출시되면서 매출이 또 한 번 급증하고 있다”며 “상반기는 17% 정도 성장에 그쳤지만 하반기에는 두 배 이상 성장할 수 있을 것”이라고 자신했다.
Russia: Using Online Seminars to Increase Sales
Atomy Russia was also not spared from the influence of COVID-19. Seminars at the center are currently prohibited, and members are strongly encouraged to have video conferencing.
In the early days, the morale of the members had been somewhat dampened. However, availing of various video conferencing apps helped them to regain their strength. In particular, online seminars are highly activated, and communication among members is well-established. In t he first half of t he year, sales amounted to 12.1 billion KRW, nearly three times higher than last year.
"The response to promotions such as set products and 3+1 products has been great," said Branch Director Jaehyung Shin. "The spread of the distancing trend is approaching as an opportunity for Atomy Russia."
In the early days, the morale of the members had been somewhat dampened. However, availing of various video conferencing apps helped them to regain their strength. In particular, online seminars are highly activated, and communication among members is well-established. In t he first half of t he year, sales amounted to 12.1 billion KRW, nearly three times higher than last year.
"The response to promotions such as set products and 3+1 products has been great," said Branch Director Jaehyung Shin. "The spread of the distancing trend is approaching as an opportunity for Atomy Russia."
러시아 : 온라인 세미나 활용에 매출 수직 상승
러시아법인 역시 코로나19의 영향에서 자유롭지 않았다. 센터에서의 세미나는 금지하고 있으며 회원들의 미팅은 화상회의 앱을 활용하도록 적극 권장하고 있다. 이러한 조치에 따라 회원들의 분위기는 다소 위축이 되어 있었으나 각종 화상 회의 앱의 활용이 능숙해지면서 점차 활기를 띠기 시작했다. 특히 온라인 세미나의 활용이 높으며 회원들끼리의 소통이 잘 이루어지고 있다고 판단된다. 상반기 매출액은 전년 대비 세 배 가까이 증가한 121억여 원을 가록했다. 신재형 법인장은 “세트 상품이나 3+1 등 프로모션에 대한 반응이 매우 좋은 편”이라며 “언택트 트렌드의 확산은 애터미 러시아에게 기회로 다가오고 있다”고 말했다.